Living with a disability can be challenging, and it’s not just physical disabilities that can make life difficult.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), adults with disabilities often experience mental distress almost five times as often as adults without disabilities. This can be due to a variety of factors, including social isolation, discrimination and a lack of access to resources and support.

However, it’s important to know that there are resources available to help manage these challenges and improve mental health.

Mental Health Challenges for People with Disabilities

Adults with disabilities experience mental health challenges at a higher rate than those without disabilities. However, it is important to note that no two disabilities are the same, and people with the same disabilities can be impacted in completely different ways mentally.

But why is this? Why can different disabilities and similar disabilities have different impacts on mental health?

Because people with disabilities face different mental health challenges in their lives based on other factors apart from their disability like:

  • Living with a disability can be isolating, as individuals with disabilities may face barriers to accessing social activities and employment opportunities
  • Living with a disability can be expensive, leading to financial stress and further exacerbating mental health challenges
  • Living with a disability can mean that people believe your mental health issues are part of that disability and not something that should be treated

Isolation and financial issues are both major causes for concern and are red flags for mental health issues. Because people living with disabilities face both of these at a higher rate than those without, their mental health is important to keep an eye on.

Being depressed or having anxiety is not just part of having a disability — there are people out there who can help.

Mental Health Help for People with Disabilities

Despite these challenges, it’s important for individuals with disabilities to seek mental health services and support. Mental health services can provide important resources for those struggling with mental distress, including medication management, therapy and counseling. Additionally, support groups and other community resources can offer much-needed social and emotional support.

One type of support that has shown positive outcomes for individuals with disabilities is group therapy. Group therapy provides a social and clinical intervention that can be particularly beneficial for individuals with disabilities who may struggle with social isolation.

Group therapy allows individuals to connect with others who may be experiencing similar challenges and provides a space for them to share their experiences and learn from one another. Additionally, group therapy can be more affordable than individual therapy, making it a more accessible option for individuals with disabilities.

How to Get Mental Health Help, Now

It is important to recognize the challenges that individuals with disabilities face when it comes to mental health. Living with a disability can be isolating and expensive, leading to mental distress. However, there are resources available to help manage these challenges and improve mental health. By seeking mental health services and support, individuals with disabilities can take an important step towards improving their overall health and wellbeing.

If you need additional guidance or assistance with mental health services, contact Glen Oaks Hospital at 903-454-6000.